With their natural openness to novel experiences, curiosity creates as sense of wonder and imagination which has been linked with the development of true happiness. They prefer to seek out and learn new things, and they enjoy the thrill of processing the emotions of anxiety, fear and excitement with great regularity. Curious.Ĭreative achievers are compelled to act on what they are curious about. Related: 5 Lessons to Learn from T-Mobile CEO John Legere 5. They are more interested in people than status, and choose to work in ways that serve the larger whole rather than only serving to empower of the establishment itself. They are often considered non-starters because they will not go by a rule, as they prefer to lead from their heart and not their head. They view bureaucracy as something which stunts their creativity and serves only to dictate and limit their behavior, their full expression and their potential to have a significant impact in the world. Highly creative achievers tend to be anti-establishment. Creative achievers are artists and scientists in tandem. Most people are more comfortable focusing on facts and minutia where they seemingly have more control, whereas, the creative achiever thrives in the space of the unknown, too stressful for most. Highly creative achievers are known to use both sides of their brain to process information in an integrated fashion, which gives them an edge up on innovation. They are known for exhausting themselves until they have released all their creative energy and put it fully into the project at hand. Highly creative achievers will create until they are done, rarely taking any time off. These are not your basic sideline achievers. They do not enjoy living off of other peoples lives, ideas, reputations or successes. They embrace mistakes and use their wisdom and bravery to effectively execute their more innovative ideas, whether they do it themselves or delegate to a team of others.Ĭreative achievers are creators not observers.
#Dominant traits tend to be observed more frequently because full#
They are full of curiosity and show an interest in the trial and error process of learning. They are brave and willing to risk it all just to see what happens. Highly creative achievers are bold risk takers. They often ask "why" and "what," leading them to solve problems with levels of creativity they may not otherwise have had access to without questioning. Having this mindset helps them see things from a fresh perspective. They are jumpy, spontaneous, inquisitive, and ask a lot of questions, rarely claiming to already know everything. Highly creative achievers approach every new experience with the mindset of being a “beginner,” no matter how advanced they may be. For this reason it is fundamental to their happiness and success to be consistently involved in challenges or with projects which excite and drive them. They do not function well in routine or mundane work environments because their minds naturally wanders. This restlessness comes from being extremely open and also from their intense interest in having new experiences. They tend to be easily bored and may even be accused of being hyper.

Highly creative achievers are naturally restless. These traits are traits we can cultivate if we can open our minds to think more flexibility and with more plasticity. They tend to struggle through times of being ridiculed and misunderstood until they make such a major difference in the world that others can only admire them and want to be a part of it. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs.Creative people often get a bad rap for being who they naturally are because they are different than everyone else. Integrated theories: Latent trait and developmental theories (from Criminology, Seventh Edition, P 285-315, 2000, Larry J. Leadership theories and styles: A literature review. A five-factor theory perspective on causal analysis. Personality processes: mechanisms by which personality traits "get outside the skin". Subjective ratings of Cattell's 16 personality factors. Status of the trait concept in contemporary personality psychology: Are the old questions still the burning questions?. Maricopa Community Colleges.įajkowska M, Kreitler S.